「Z書房的《乍寒還暖》」陳韋鑑著,台新銀行文化藝術基金會網之 “藝論紛紛”,2014.06.30
「迎著光呼吸攝影展 : 傅美貴捕捉生命氣息」黃怡豪採訪攝影,台灣新竹振道電視台,2014.06.03,請閱讀訪談之文字謄寫
「呼一口氣 她以玻璃帷幕創作呼吸」李青霖著,聯合報 2014.05.24
Interview with curator Sébastien Hudon around the exhibition Paysages à souffle, by Jean -Pierre Guay. Podcast Aerospace / Magazine dedicated to the visual arts , CKRL 89.1 FM . , Issue of November 13, 2012 .(https://laerospatial.wordpress.com/2012/11/20/) , between 42:15 to 49:10 , see Transcript of comments
"Zone Flottante", exhibition catalog , texts Mei- Kuei Feu and Alice Ming Wai Jim, published by Centre for Contemporary Asian Art , Vancouver, 2004
"Eaux vives", by Valérie Schiltz , West Island Portal, July 4, 2004
"Noyade dans un vaste thème", by Jerome Delgado Press , Montreal , July 11 , 2004, p . 4
"Mixed reaction to water art", by Peter McCabe, Chronicle Spotlight, West island people , 14 July 2004 , p. B4
"Blurring borders", by Christine Redfern , Mirror, February 7-13 , 2002 , p.40 , Montreal,
"Mémoire lézardée", Ici, February 21-27 2002 , p.33, Montreal
"Invitation au voyage", exhibition catalog , text by Norman Bellefeuille, p.43, published by the House of Culture of Montreal, 2002
"De balancier and Louez-moi", by Alice Ming Wai Jim Rice Paper, Vol.5, No.1, 1999 , p.13 , Vancouver